Friday, November 18, 2011

Week 1, Day 5 - I think I'm being watched.....

No running today!  Today was a very nice rest day which was much needed :) 

I've never experienced Internet dating, but I did something with I think is pretty similar... I went on to find a running group.  It turns out we have a group in the Portland Metro-area called "Running Mamas" which is apparently just a group of moms like myself looking for other moms like myself to run with.  Some want to run with kids and some without, but they're from all over town including out here in Beaverton. So, tomorrow I'm going to my first 'Meet-up' with other running moms sans kiddos!!  I'm filled with all the same questions and insecurities I would probably have going on my first internet date.....Are these people ax murderers?  Am I a big loser because I can't seem to find people to do stuff with on my own? Am I fit enough to run with other people? Well, maybe not the last one, but you get my jist which is that I'm kind of nervous about tomorrow..... not to mention they're meeting at 8am, which I think is slightly ridiculously early.  Also, it doesn't help that the cheap boxed wine is sitting 2 feet away and taunting me with it's non-delicious alcoholic goodness :(

I was down another 0.2 lbs this morning which makes me happy!  My friend Sarah (Hi Sarah!!) came over this morning and we made friggin delicious challah.  I was SO good about my eating all day until Lawrence came home and broke into the amazingly delicious challah.  The two of us pretty much devoured an entire loaf long before we actually sat down for shabbos dinner. So here it is now 7:36 and I've already used up 34 of my 32 points for the day which means I'm 2 points over.  Also, it doesn't help that the cheap boxed wine is sitting 2 feet away and taunting me with it's non-delicious alcoholic goodness :( Did I mention it?

DUN, DUN DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNN........ To be continued.....

1 comment:

  1. The challah was very yummy! Thanks again for the fun little challah baking party we had this morning :o) Btw, did I ever tell you I met my husband on an online dating site?! Lol! And I pretty much had all those insecurities you are having about your meet-up group. But it worked out well for me so hopefully you will have the same luck tomorrow!
