Thursday, November 17, 2011

Week 1, Day 4 and some random thoughts

Today was my first official day with both the kids.  Luckily, Ari actually likes going on runs with me and he does wonders to help keep Lilah under control.  I sincerely think that kids are like puppies and you really do need two so they can entertain each other.  Oney-way.... It was a nice fall day and while it was a still cold and damp outside, thankfully it wasn't raining.  The run was only 1.5 miles, but it was really tough pushing both kids in the stroller.  I did really well for the first mile, but then ran out of steam and had to run/walk the last 1/2 mile.  I think I need to do some more research about how to change up a marathon training if you're doing it while pushing 2 kids in a stroller.

 Notice the pretty foliage which is NOT typical of a normal Oregon fall

My weight was down another 0.2 lbs this morning which was nice, but considering how I struggled to eat all my points yesterday, I was a bit surprised my weight wasn't actually less. Today was much less of a struggle to each my points, so we'll see what happens tomorrow.  It felt like I spent all afternoon getting snacks for the kids and then eating the snacks when the kids decided they didn't want it... .that's how I ended up wasting 5 of my points on a peanut butter granola bar and 1 1/2 chicken McNuggets :(  But I failed to plan, so I planned to fail - as Lawrence (and the Army) says.  I had an unexpected errand across town that I had to run out for and forgot to pack a few low-cal snacks for myself.  Tomorrow starts the weekend again and I'm hoping my motivation won't wain with freshly baked challah and some decent non-boxed wine.

Random Thoughts by Naomi Handy:
1) Why am I blogging every day? 
I'm the kind of person, who if you make tentative plans to make tentative plans, you'll never see me again, but if we set a date and time for 3 years in advance, I'll show up.  I'm a list making, calendar keeping, organizationally minded person and when I attempt to engage in an activity which requires participation only when the mood hits me..... I'll never ever get hit. So, to answer my own question: I blog every day, because knowing I have to blog every day makes me more accountable to myself to follow through on my goals.  As I found out over my last summer blog which I was going to blog every week, my motivation and my blog fell apart before my second blog.

2) Why don't I just embrace my post baby curves?
If it was simply an issue of curves, I wouldn't be doing this.  I like the fact that I don't like like a 13 year old boy.  I've always had curves and it doesn't scare me..... However, the extra fat around my belly, thighs and arms is what I'm not happy with.  The truth is that my BMI is 27.63 which means I am decided overweight.  I need to lose 16 pounds just to be in the "Normal" weight category!!  My goal is to lose 24 pounds, but really I would be happy to lose 17 and be a 'normal' and healthy weight again.  The last time I was at that weight was only 4 1/2 years ago and I see no reason why I can't get that back.

3) How did I get so awesome?
I'm not really sure how I got to be this awesome.  I think it's an issue of genetics loading the gun and environment pulling the trigger.

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