Friday, November 11, 2011

And on the 3rd day before official training starts, we rest...

My training for the marathon technically starts on Monday, but for this past week, I've been doing the first week of training.  It's the first time in a long time I've run with any regularity, but I have to say I truly enjoyed every run I took this week.  The hardest was my Wednesday 3 miler with Lilah.  She seemed really happy for the 1st two miles, but ended up screaming the whole way home :( 

Today was a rest day, although I have to admit that between baking challah, 6 loads of laundry, a Dentist appointment and the two kids, I didn't exactly sit on the couch watching soap operas eating Bon Bons.  Speaking of laundry, I've noticed my increased running has lead to practically a whole other load of laundry a week! 

Here's a picture of the pretty challah I made this morning:

Tomorrow will be my first run this week w/o the kids and I'm excited to see if I've gained strength or speed by pushing the extra 50-100 lbs of kid & stroller.  I actually like running in cold & rainy weather, so for this, Oregon winter is actually perfect running weather!

My diet is also going well for the moment.  The weight watchers plan gives me 29 points to play with per day with an additional 40ish points to spread through the week. Additionally, I get points for my workouts which fluctuate depending on duration and intensity of my work out.  I find the extra weekly points to be annoying, so I've just gone ahead and made my daily goal 34 points per day plus whatever activity points I've earned.  As of this morning, my weight is down over 5 lbs in the last two weeks which is awesome, but the weekend is upon me and that's what usually kills me.  I'm hoping with my extra blog accountability I'll be able to control myself tonight :)

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