Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Week 1, Day 3 - Darn! Time to eat again :(

Last week when I tried my 3 mile run, Lilah wasn't having it and screamed the whole last mile home.  Well despite the wind, rain and 39 degree temperature, Lilah and I made it through ALL 3 miles!!  My stroller (technically Brook's stroller) has a rain guard, but Lilah REALLY didn't like it, so finally I just took it down and covered her with layers of blankets and she was pretty happy for most of the ride. 

I also felt really good on my run, thus highlighting the difference between today and last Saturday when I ran after drinking too much boxed wine.  At about the 2.5 mile mark, I did have to stop and walk for just a little, but I would say it was less than 1/10 mile walking.  I actually timed myself and ran the whole 3 miles in 32 minutes which drops my speed to less than 11 minutes/mile.... definitely an improvement :)

Despite my awesome Indian buffet lunch, I was still down an additional 0.4 lbs this morning.  HOORAH!!    I've also noticed a definite decrease in my appetite which is awesome.  Usually, I would eat a huge meal, then be hungry 2 hours later.  However, after my big lunch yesterday, I didn't even want dinner!  I actually had to force myself to eat dinner and later a snack b/c I hadn't eaten enough points.

Today, I'm also struggling to eat enough points.  It's really strange to not want to eat, or only want to eat fruits and have to stop to say to myself, "No... I gotta eat some cheese or something b/c I need more points before I go to bed!"  And BELIEVE me... I'm hardly starving myself!  Today I've had 2 coffees, 2 bananas, 2 apples, 2 eggs, Pot roast weight watchers lunch, corned beef sandwich, challah, a chicken strip AND a granola bar.... yet I still have another 10 points to eat!?!?!?!  Maybe I'll eat ice cream with chocolate sauce and whipped cream???  although I'd still have to eat more. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Great work chica! Don't worry about pace. If anything, get in the habit of running slower so you don't injure yourself (or bonk during the marathon). I started my training at 9-10 minute miles, and eventually slowed way down to a rather turtle-like 13-14 minute mile average pace once I got into the 15+ mile distances. Slow and steady may not win the race, but it will finish it! Keep up the great work!
