Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Week 5, Day 3 - Driving Miss Lilah

Today was another 3 miler with Lilah in the frigid freezing cold. Mostly it was so hard b/c I was SOOOO tired :( For whatever reason, Lilah was basically up from Midnight - 4am so I only had about 3 good hours of sleep and then I worked again today. Once again I had to wake up early, battle rush hour traffic (which actually wasn't that bad!) and then muster the energy to run in the cold afternoon while pushing a toddler in a stroller.

I was definitely tired and a little sluggy, but I totally rallied and pushed really hard. Unfortunately, I did have to stop on 4 occasions :( Once for a traffic light where I made witty banter with another runner and her dog. Then three other times for Lilah.... when she threw her cup out of the stroller, when she threw her snack thing out of the stroller, and when she managed to get her shoe off and then she threw it out of the stroller! What can I say? The girl has a good pitching arm... hopefully one day it will make us millionaires. About mid-way through, when she was done throwing things, she fussed a bit and I got worried, but then she settled down and sat nicely for the rest of the run.

I'm not sure whether I actually ran faster or not today. I felt like I was pushing really hard, but it might have just felt that way from pushing the stroller. There was a few times I wanted to stop, but kept trudging along. I have to say I get pretty darn tootin proud of myself every time I get to the end of a run without stopping :)

However, at one point towards the end of the run, I ran past a store front window and was kind of disappointed at how I looked running in the reflection. I definitely need to stand up straighter.... I looked kind of like a tired, flabby Quasimodo trotting down the sidewalk. Then there's the whole post-baby belly flab which overflows my running pants. It was a little depressing and embarrassing, but I keep telling myself that the belly flab doesn't matter... it's my health and fitness which far outweighs my store-front window appearance - right?

I guess it doesn't matter anyway... I only have like 5 more years and 2 babies until I'm getting a tummy tuck and a boob job :)

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