Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Week 5, Day 2 - Workin Mamma

Today's 2 mile run was made much more difficult actually having to work today!  ARGH!   I had to wake up early (GASP!) and battle rush hour traffic (NOOO!).  I worked for a lovely family today doing Post-Partum support for about 4 hours and was totally zonked afterwards!  I don't know how you working momma's do it! When I was done working I stopped at Fred Meyers for gas, but was SO hungry I actually parked the car and went inside for some chicken cutlets :(  By the time I got home, I was tired and my belly was full... which both made me not want to run.  However, since I really had no reasonable excuse to skip my run I went anyway.  I was really happy to have made that decision because JUST as I was about to exit my 'warm up' and start running I received a phone call from a friend.  I would have been very embarrassed had she called and I had skipped my run!  So, thanks for keepin' me on point Rebecca :)

I have a bunch of 1.5 mile runs and 3 miles runs around my neighborhood, but I hadn't really thought about 2 mile runs!  Since this particular training schedule ramps up by 0.5 miles every other week, I'm going to have to be creative about how to add on little amounts of extra mileage.  For today's run, I ended up running my normal 1.5 route and then doubling back into my own neighborhood.

Tomorrow I'll be working again and then will have some extra errands to run.  Hopefully, Lilah will sit as happily in the stroller tomorrow for our 3 miler as she was today!

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