Saturday, December 3, 2011

Week 3a, Day 6 - Charging the Hill

Today was a 3 mile run and I decided to go up by the Nike campus.  It's a 1.5 mile straight shot up to Murray Blvd and again back again to make an even 3 miles. For some reason I always get a little intimidated by the hill up to Murray.  According to, it's only a 40 foot climb and doesn't actually count as a hill at all, but for some reason it really intimidates me!  I've run up it probably 100 times and have conquered much larger and scarier hills, but this one always fills me with a little anxiety... Kind of like the ramp up from the water on the Vera Katz Esplanade in downtown Portland.  No one in the world would consider it a hill except me, but every time I make it to the top w/o stopping I feel as though I've really accomplished something.  However, since I didn't feel like running past Popeye's today, nor did I feel creative enough to make up a new route.... up the hill I went.

It was around 30 degrees this morning when we woke up, so I waited to go until Noonish when Lilah went down for her nap.  Even though it was still around 40ish degrees it was still incredibly cold.  I only wore some long long pants and a T-shirt thinking it would be enough, but I was still freezing for the first 1/2  mile or so.  Like I couldn't help wondering if maybe I should wearing some gloves or a hat or something, but since I'm still a newbie to all this running stuff I really don't know any better.  So.... if there's someone out there reading this who is more experienced, please let me know what gear I should we wearing for cold weather running!! 

It was a really nice run in the crisp, cool air with the sun shining and it did a lot to improve my mood.  I won't go into it, but I wasn't exactly in the best of moods before I left.  

Well folks, I think that's all I got for tonight.  Tomorrow is my Sunday 'walking' day, which I really will try to do for a change :)

The hill:


  1. Good work Naomi! Regarding the temps: estimate that your body will feel about 20-30 degrees warmer than the outdoor temp once you get warmed up. I wear a long sleeved shirt and a lightweight jacket with gloves and hat when it is under 40 degrees. If it's over 50 degrees, no jacket at all. :)

  2. Great advice Mo, but at the risk of appearing to be a complete idiot with no common are my questions: 1) Is your lightweight jacket the same or different than a light weight rain coat? 2) Do you have special gloves or are $2 stretchy gloves sufficient? and 3) When you wear gloves, do your hands sweat a lot more & what do you do about that?

  3. I just wear capris length pants and a long sleeve tech shirt. My hands and head get too hot with gloves and a hat and I hate carrying stuff so I just suck up the cold. I actually had wind burn on my cheeks from yesterdays run and I couldnt feel my butt cheeks when I got home! I was glad not to run this morning because I almost wiped out putting the rubbish bin icy! I have warn a light weight jacket/splash top when it rains but if you opt for this, make sure it is breathable....otherwise, even us ladies can harbour a bit of a stench!
