Sunday, January 15, 2012

Week 8, Day 7 - Finally getting to the X.T.

So, I finally honored my Sunday workout commitment!  raahhhhh.....

As I mentioned yesterday, I wanted to do some kind dancy video workout b/c I thought 1) it would be fun for the kids, 2) it would be fun for me and 3) it would be better for Lawrence than me leaving for an hour to go to a gym.

As it turns out... none of the above reasons proved realistic :(

I tried a couple of stores to find a decent dancy work out video and I was floored by how nearly all the videos are either Jillian Michaels from The Biggest Loser OR Dancing With The Stars people - neither of which really appealed to me.  I finally settled on one CD which promised Hip Hop, Belly Dance, Salsa and Jazz Dance.  It sounded promising and was reasonably priced so I purchased it.  However, the on-line reviews were TERRRRRRible..... So I'm going to take it back :(  Then, I discovered Netflix actually has a few exercise videos which I could stream from our PS3!  Most of them were either Yoga or Pilates (which I'm not interested in), but I found one cardio dance which had decent reviews, so I gave it a shot.

It was the Crunch Cardio Salsa and it actually started off just fine.  The instructor was peppy w/o being too annoying and the steps started off nice and easy.  As I had planned, Ari started doing all the dancing with me and we had a good time :)..... for about 4 minutes.  Then, the steps got a little harder he laid down on the ground to try to intentionally trip me up... which he thought was hilarious.  Lawrence ended up having to take the kids upstairs while I 'danced the fat away' thus zonking intentions #1 & #3.   Then when the steps got a little harder than doing a vine step with a shimmy, I started getting lost and there went intention #2 :( 

I guess it was kind of fun and I worked up a little bit of a mist (not quite a sweat) - definitely low intensity.  Maybe I'll start pairing the video with some strength training.  I'm going to try the video again next week... but mostly because I've always wanted to learn how to salsa, samba and meringue :)

I'm staying true to the diet which has been a little hard.  I'm definitely noshy rather than hungry,but it's been hard not to finish off the kids' lunches or have a few morsels of Pirate's Booty.  The scale went a little up from yesterday, but as I mentioned yesterday, I knew I had to do a better job of eating actual meals and then spacing the snacks 2 hours later.  I really think I did that today.  I was very careful and I hope I'll see results tomorrow.  The one terrible thing I do to myself when I diet is to weigh myself every 20 minutes.  I literally run upstairs every time I have to pee to weigh myself before and after... it's nuts and I know it, but right now I'm not going to do anything about it!

Tomorrow's a rest day and I'll hopefully be able to eat decently.  I also finally got a multivitamin which I'll begin tonight.

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