Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Week 7, Day 2 - Little Sick One :(

One of the reasons I named this blog, "Running with Diapers" is to try to convey that this blog is not JUST about me, but my experience of trying to be a mother AND training for a marathon. That being said....I didn't get out for my run today because Lilah was sick :(

I was actually really looking forward to the run today!  Especially after gorging myself over the holiday weekend, I was pretty exciting about getting my body moving! (not to mention burning a few calories!)  The sun was shining, it was gorgeous and it looked like a beautiful day....BUT, I never made it through my front door :(

When my little Lilah gets a fever (even as low as 99.8) it can lead to a seizure, so we take any and all fevers extremely seriously. Last night's fever was the highest she's ever had at 102.3 so we were slightly freaking out.  I went to bed at 8:45 so I could give her a dose of Tylenol and pull her into bed with me.  It worked out fine until I woke her up for the 12:45 dose of Tylenol when she decided she didn't want to go back to sleep, but rather wanted to go downstairs to play. Luckily, my amazing husband took her downstairs to entertain her for a while so I could get some sleep. She woke up around 7:30AMish and her fever finally broke!  I may have slept for nearly 11 hours, but it was probably one of the most restless sleeps I've ever had.... probably second to the night in the hospital last month. 

Tomorrow I guess I'll just jump right into my 3 mile run.  It's supposed to be partially sunny and in the mid 50's :)  It should be nice.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad little Lilah made it through her fever episode all right. Kick ass on your run today!
